New Year-Round Program Offering Courses in New York City History

The Gotham Center is very pleased to announce the creation of a new, year-round program offering online courses in New York City history.

GothamEd’ is designed to serve a range of backgrounds and purposes — from the generally interested looking for a compact introduction on a particular subject, to avid buffs in search of a much deeper dive. The program offers a mixture of private lectures with discussion and more intimate, traditional semiweekly classes, exploring topics large and small. Varying in length, with multiple days and times to choose from, and conducted on a digital platform year-round, it is customized to be inclusive, accommodating the schedules of working and retired persons, near and far. The courses are non-credit-bearing, and so less demanding than normal academic coursework, but provide the same opportunity for deep, interactive learning with experts and leading scholars, on a far more flexible, affordable basis.

We invite you to join, and your feedback.